Human Parthenogenesis and the Uncleanliness of Menstruation
The somewhat subjective on the hue-man experience: the topic of the virgin birth and menstruation.
Parthenogenesis exists within nature within the animal, insect and microorganism realms, so if the animal of the lower levels of consciousness can perform such a feat, is it hard to see that it is a possibility for us?
Women of times long gone were reportedly capable of conceiving a child by their free will, on their own, this is known as the ‘virgin birth’, or by scientific definition parthenogenesis. There are many stories of human parthenogenesis, the most famous being that of the Mother Mary and the ‘virgin birth’. It has also been said that Buddha’s mother conceived while in a state of blissful mediation under a tree, and other cases reportedly being Mary herself, her mother, Moses, Athena and her mother, Plato and more.
In Hindu philosophy it is said, ‘in the mother cell begins all living things, the creative principle is feminine. The highest divine mystery is Brahamana, the feminine of Brahma. In the Urantia book it was suggested in the story of Adam and Eve that women could choose to conceive when desired with no limiting via a menstrual cycle and specific ovulation times, which also meant there were no unplanned pregnancies; it is also interesting to note that in this version of the tale of Adam and Eve, it is suggested that they consumed a raw fruit based diet.
I have been told a story of Anastasia, which has been documented in a book series called Ringing Cedars of Russia. Anastasia is reported to be a beautiful and extraordinary young woman, who was discovered in 1995, living deep in the wild remote forests of Siberia. Living in the natural world away from the poisoning of mind, body and spirit of the man made world, she met a man, and with no sexual intercourse, they conceived a baby simply out of the state of love they were in together.
In some theories, it is said that the moon and sun are formed by particle accelerators, the element of the sun being gold, and the element of the moon being silver, acting as energetic constructs to influence this time and space. As we know, a woman’s cycle is linked to the moon, but apparently radiational energy from both the sun and moon can induce a female’s cycle, so can this same vibrational energy and radiation can start mitosis within cells of a woman, sans sperm?
If we look at the purpose of sperm, countless numbers of sperm try to get into one egg, and the only one that is able to get through is the one moving fast enough, the one with the vibrational strength to make the journey and penetrate the egg. Once this occurs, the egg is changed vibrationally, which results in the egg splitting, now let’s refer back to mitosis, which also refers to a ‘splitting’ that is used in asexual reproduction, which is a natural form of parthenogenesis.
The definition of mitosis:
Mitosis, a process of cell duplication, or reproduction, during which one cell gives rise to two genetically identical daughter cells. Strictly applied, the term mitosis is used to describe the duplication and distribution of chromosomes, the structures that carry the genetic information.
From <>
Mitosis is the step in the cell cycle that the newly duplicated DNA is separated, and two new cells are formed. This process is important in single-celled eukaryotes, as it is the process of asexual reproduction.
From <>
In 1955, four prominent medical doctors, one being Dr. Stanley Balfour-Lynn studied multiple cases of reported virgin birth and agreed that all of them were real. Dr. Stanley Balfour-Lynn wrote a supporting paper in 1956 that was published in the Lancet, and it was claimed that the doctors involved were unable to prove that any man took part in the creation of these children, of course this is quite subjective, given modern DNA testing was not available, but an interesting story to be sure. That being said, in 1975, there was reportedly a study completed using ultrasound where it was observed that there was a heartbeat within an unfertilised egg.
Modern day mainstream science now recognises parthenogenesis within humans, however what we see is somewhat failed attempts to manifest a successful embryo. In a medical hypothesis by Gabriel Jose de Carli published on PubMed in 2017, within the abstract it was outlined:
‘Spontaneous parthenogenetic and androgenetic events occur in humans, but they result in tumours: the ovarian teratoma and the hydatidiform mole, respectively’.
Fibroids that develop in the uterus have been found to contain skin, hair follicles and hair, sweat glands, sebum, blood, bone, nail, teeth, eyes, cartilage and thyroid tissue and only present during child bearing years. Teratomas have also been found to contain the same substances, however are not exclusive to women. Are these fibroids failed manifestations of parthenogenesis? There is a reported case of from 2007 where a Japanese woman had a teratoma tumour containing a lump holding a head, one fully formed eye and a number of internal organs which was removed from her right ovary; her case was reported in the National Library of Medicine which can be found here.
In the ancient Sanskrit language we find the world ‘Shakti’, which is short for Kriyashakti, in its essence it represents the powers of manifestation. The power of thought which enable us to produce a tangible and perceivable result, it’s the that any idea will manifest externally if one applies deep concentration on that thought, ‘energy flows where intention goes’.
There are stories about ancient African women, Kemetic women, Oceanic women that did not menstruate and ancient Hebrews believed that menstruation was a sign that the woman was unclean. It is incredibly hard to find information on this topic as it is highly suppressed, and many women have a high level of cognitive dissonance around this concept; some creating their identity and womanhood associated to the pains of menses as if it is a cross to bear, creating moon circles and celebrating their monthly bleeding.
There are still cultures today who consider menstruation to be ‘unclean’. There is reportedly a Hindu practice of chhaupadi, which essentially means ‘impurity’. This practice sees menstruating women as bearers of disease, disaster and bad luck; they are barred from handling food, using public water sources, or sleeping under the same roof as their families. Although the practice has technically outlawed over a decade ago, many Hindu women still perform rituals associated with chhaupadi, one practice being ritual bathing to ‘wash away the sins’ of menstruation.
It is said that the fall of man involved after the first great flood, when man first started consuming flesh and cooking food, which resulted in a poisoning of our bodily systems, shortening our lifespan from centuries to decades and a weakening of our energetic field. It is reported that prior to this fall, women did not menstruate. In the fruitarian and fasting community, it is spoken about in closed circles about the loss of the period, and how many go through this process as they clean and heal their body on deep levels.
Within the fasting and fruit based communities, it is also considered that menstruation is considered the body haemorrhaging and eliminating toxic waste that has accumulated within the uterus, so the cleaner the body, the less there is to eliminate. It is important to note that ovulation still takes place, and it is said that the body becomes more fertile as we release obstructions.
I myself lost my period during my fasting and cleaning journey, however noted signs of ovulation by tracking my basal body temperature for two months, noting the spike in temperature that indicated ovulation had occurred. Now if I do bleed, it is very little, and a sign it’s time for a maintenance clean.
Is it simply that the hue-man has fallen so far from grace, from the path of nature, true health and vitality that we have lost our powers of manifestation and control over our bodily functions? Is it possible that a woman in a state of superior health and homeostasis, absolute balance within mind, body and connection to source, could self conceive? As humanity heals and accesses our true powers, only time will tell.
May all find the truth and courage to heal themselves, you are your own saviour!
How fascinating,but where is the proof of documentation of people living so long? I do believe it is possible women are unhealthy and getting rid of toxins by bleeding. Often it is talked about how an athelete who is super fit does not menstruate so I believe it is possible to not have the need. I find it hard to grasp the idea of virgin birth though, well at least in fully formed healthy baby version.