In today’s society we see a fast-paced reality that is almost inescapable if one doesn't extract themselves from the mayhem. As an observer of this human experience and since heading full throttle into my healing journey, it has become painfully apparent that the majority of people do not want to ‘do the work’ when it comes to healing. We have all heard the age old saying 'patience is a virtue’, which is fast becoming forgotten and replaced with a desire for quick fixes, bypassing any hard work. Complementary to this, I have witnessed many will only seek solutions once they have progressed into chronic dis-ease, weakened not only physically, but emotionally, making them easy prey for mainstream programs, the medical drug cartel and misguided alternative therapies which all are the epitome of quick fix and sometimes evasive solutions.
I put this down to two factors, the first being ‘society by design’ where we are pushed more into busy-ness and moving more away from our natural state of being living in harmony with nature. Secondly, the breeding of laziness through convenience, innovation, technology, and death by automation. Both of which are of a result of social engineering, driven by the self-appointed elite ‘ruling class’ who consider humanity purely as beasts of burden, and that which they need to control to keep themselves elevated above what they consider to be the lower classes.
To know why quick fixes do not work, we need to know that the body’s natural inbuilt systems are constantly working to pull us back to homeostasis through detoxing, and how ‘re-toxing’ essentially halts the ability to return to balance and true health.
Detox is simply when the body is allowed to eliminate toxins faster than the uptake through internal and external poisoning. The body will naturally detox overnight through dry fasting during sleep, and we then 'break-fast' usually in the morning upon eating. Given the nature of the world we live in most people are re-toxing themselves throughout the day by eating injurious foods and beverages, exposing their bodies to harmful chemicals and other self-destructive behaviours. After people have accumulated a significant amount of toxic overload, and the conditions are ideal, the body will commence an automatic detox process, and the body will express symptoms of this process which we have been tricked into beLIEving is illness caused by external microbes, with virus and bacteria being the common scapegoats.
So now we know the basics of how our body works, we can start to see how taking drugs or focusing on one area of dis-ease will not result in true long-term health. While quick fixes may get short term observable results and reduce symptoms, the root cause of dis-ease is not addressed, which is, in it’s true essence simply acidosis and toxic overload caused by self-destructive behaviours and lifestyle choices. When one focuses on one issue within the body, deeper issues are left dormant if the ‘whole’ is not considered, and valuable opportunities to heal not just the body, but our mental and spiritual processes are missed. Short term gain truly does equal long-term pain, and it holds us back from reaching our highest potential in this human experience.
The mainstream medical drug cartels are a business built on quick fix solutions, an example being antiviral tablets, which simply re-tox the system and thus minimise or stop the detox process and associated symptoms. Not are we only bombarded by quick fix solutions by the mainstream, but to add to the confusion, we see more and more ‘cures’ emerging from the alternative health industry with parasite cleanses, and liver flushes etc., which are simply addressing one symptom of dis-ease, and not the root cause.
When we employ a holistic approach such as cleansing the body using a set fasting protocol, focused on dissolving, and eliminating waste, we honour our system as a whole, we step back and allow the body to ‘clean house’ using it’s own divine and systematic intelligence to work towards returning to homeostasis. We don’t need drugs, and we don’t need medicines, all we need is what nature provides. There is a big ‘BUT’ that accompanies this, as an initial cleansing is just the start of the journey, and to achieve healing on all levels a complete lifestyle transformation must accompany, we must adopt our ideal diet of a raw diet primarily consisting of fruit and live a naturally hygienic lifestyle eliminating exposure to chemicals and pollutants. As Hippocrates once said, 'before you heal someone, ask him if he's willing to give up the things that made him sick', and in truth, the cleansing process can take years, we cannot expect a lifetime of damage to be reversed in a short amount of time. So, if we do the crime, we must do the time, Arnold Ehret named this 'compensation'.
‘You cannot buy health in a bottle, you cannot heal your body, that is, cleanse your system in a few days. You must make "compensation" for the wrong you have done your body all during your life’.
~Arnold Ehret, The Mucusless Diet Healing System
True healing also means we heal ourselves, mind, body, and spirit, and the hard steps cannot be bypassed to ‘learn the lessons’ about the error of our ways, I see this as the true redemption to save ourselves. Until people make this realisation, they will live a limited existence plagued with varying levels of dis-ease and premature death and ageing.
At the end of the day, all we can do is live by example. We can show people the path, but we cannot make them walk it.
May all find the truth and heal themselves, we are own own saviours.
Ren Sunglow
The truth!
Some good insight in here!